About me

Hey! Me again, still Tino (short for Agustin). I'm a Software Engineer (the actual degree is Computer Engineer, though I've never heard anyone use that title) currently based in Bahía Blanca, Argentina 🇦🇷 (UTC -3). I've specialized in web-technologies, and particularly enjoy working where software and user meet. Where there is a chance to delight ✨, and design and attention to detail come into play.

During uni, I've worked as teaching assistant in courses such as Calculus & Computer Graphics 👨🏻‍🏫, where I thoroughly enjoyed trying to make both simple and complex topics as accessible as possible (and itch that hopefully this blog can scratch). After graduating, I've worked in companies such as Globant, Binagora and Vectary, mostly on the front-end side of things. Implementing/maintaining component libraries, dealing with weird Three.js-based engines' bugs, creating POCs for various clients, etc. Recently, some of the dev things that I've been enjoying using are React, TypeScript, Prisma & Next.js, to name a few.

Regarding non-work stuff, I'm a fan of the outdoors 🏕, be it going for a run, biking (thought I think lately my bike would say otherwise, sorry bike), hiking ⛰, et al. I've recently rediscovered my love for reading 📚, and you may find me in cafés around the city, using "reading" as an excuse to try out the coffee & bakery in town (for research purposes, of course).

Feel free toContact me

p.s. the site's code is open source and available on GitHub